Mesquite, Nevada Concert7h1>
Sign hanging above the casino doors announcing the concert.
Two of Steve Lowry's kids (Brett and Angeline) presenting one of the posters
inside the casino. These were all over the place.
Willie, Gerry, and Michael.
Brad, Dewey, and Willie.
Willie and Gerry.
Willie and Gerry.
Brad and Dewey.
Michael Woods.
Gerry playing "Woman Tonight" on piano.
Michael also playing keyboards during "Woman Tonight".
Dewey, Willie, and Gerry.
Gerry singing Daisy Jane and playing piano.
Dewey and Willie.
Michael showing off his designer t-shirt and awesome lead guitar.
Gerry announcing Willie as the veteran member of the band.
Brad, Dewey, Willie, Gerry, and Michael.
Willie, Gerry, and Michael.
Brad and Dewey.
Brad, Dewey, Gerry, Michael, and Willie take a fuzzy bow.
Brad, Dewy, Willie, Gerry, and Michael playing the encore, "Horse".
Willie on drums with Brad, Gerry, and Michael doing their ZZ Top move
during "Horse".
Brad, Dewey, Willie, Gerry, and Michael.
Dewey and Gerry looking at Willie at the end of "Horse".
Dewey and Gerry wave and say goodbye during a standing ovation.